Pre-NCEA Pūrau is a course for uri wanting to build the basic skills required to be successful in Te Whare Angitu L1 NCEA programmes (Tiaki Taiao, Rakahinonga, Pūrau).
This course includes self-directed online activities and weekly online huitopa.
Ngā taupanga ako o Te Whare Angitu (online learning apps).
Te mahi ako ā-rorohiko (learning online).
Te reo matatini me te pāngarau (basics for building online literacy and numeracy).
Ngā pukenga ako mō te Taiao, Rakahinonga, Pūrau (specific learning for each programme).
Course Starts: 2025 (TBC) Location: Online Duration: Term 3 + Term 4 Course Fee: $100 per student
Passionate about learning.
Self-motivated, reliable and responsible for their own learning.
Te Reo Matatini - curriculum L4 Te Reo Māori and English.
Digitally literate - confident and competent to navigate new online digital spaces.