TE TIHI O ANGITUNgā Ringa Wera implement the kaupapa of Te Tihi o Angitu through various initiatives, which is driven by ngā whare and supported by ngā tumu.
NGĀ WHARETE WHARE ARATAKI focuses on supporting and developing kura leadership of iwi, boards, principals, senior managers, and our emerging leaders. TE WHARE WHAKAAKO focuses on the professional development and wellbeing of teachers and support staff. TE WHARE ANGITU focuses on our uri having access to cultural, academic, and wellbeing opportunities. TE WHARE MAIRANGA focuses on delivering qualifications within Te Whare Arataki, Te Whare Whakaako and Te Whare Angitu. |
Pou Mairanga
Te Kowhai Ohia
Te Kowhai Ohia
Ngā whare are supported by ngā tumu:
- TE TUMU ARA TOA implements an attributes framework that upholds Te Tihi o Angitu, supporting various initiatives of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa.
- TE TUMU PAEPAE is the communications and collaboration area of Ngā Kura ā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa.
- TE TUMU PAKIHI is the business and operations area of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa.
- TE TUMU WHANAKE supports transitioning kura and introduces new initiatives of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa.
- TE TUMU HAUTŪ is the advocacy, leadership and strategic area of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa.
te tumu hautū
Pou Kōkiri
Watson Ohia
Watson Ohia