HuRAE WHITERangaranga Reo ā Tā relates specifically to learning to read and write in te reo Māori and focuses on what needs to be taught, the order in which the scope should be taught, and when the scope should be taught.
Rangaranga Reo ā Tā has been developed under the leadership of Cath Rau and Hurae White, who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai. At this workshop Hurae will provide a comprehensive overview of Rangaranga ā Tā so that tumuaki understand what is involved in this PLD, the commitment that is required, and what support leadership should provide to ensure effective engagement and results. |
rautaki pī ka rere
CHERYL MEEKPī Ka Rere is a pilot program which aims to empower Tumuaki to develop a strategic Mana Motuhake approach in designing, developing and implementing authentic ancestrally driven horopaki kāinga (marau ā-kura) learning experiences for their uri which will fulfill the aspirations of whānau, hapori, hapū and iwi.
Pī Ka Rere will include the Te Ara ToA conceptional framework to recognise the potential and success of each uri in their own horopaki kāinga. |
12:00 PM
01:00 PM
mauri ora
te aoterangi mooreNau mai ki te kaupapa o Mauri Ora, he mea waihanga e NKAI hei tautoko i ngā uri, i ngā kaiako me ngā kura anō hoki kia whai rautaki hei manaaki i te oranga.He mauri motuhake tō ia tangata, ko taua mauri tonu e kawe ana i tōna iho, i tōna momo, i tōna mārohirohi e whai oranga ai ia. I roto i te hōtaka nei, ka rukuhia atu ki te mauri tau, te mauri tū, te mauri moe me te mauri rere.
Otirā, ko te Oranga Wairua te aronga matua, heke iho nei ki te toiora tangata me ōna pānga ki tēnei mea te mauri. E toru ngā tino wāhanga o te kaupapa o Mauri Ora arā: Te Mauri o te Whare - Ko ngā tikanga me ngā ritenga hei tautoko i te uri. Te Mauri o te Ako - Ko ngā pūnaha hei tautoko i te kaiako. Te Mauri o te Arokā - Ko ngā pārongo me ngā raraunga hei whakatau i te ahunga whakamua. Mā ēnei tino wāhanga e āta ārahi i te whakatinanatanga o Mauri Ora ki roto i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te ako me whakaako. |
rangaranga reo pākehā
dr. phyllis callaghanThis workshop promotes high-quality Professional Learning and Development (PLD) for NKAI kaiako who are teaching students learning English as a second language. It will focus on a structured literacy approach, explored through a Māori lens, to support effective teaching strategies.
02:30 PM
he ara whakahaere marau wharekura
rautaki reo māori
kimiora websterKo te kai a te Rangatira, he korero.
Ko te kai a te Kaiako, he rautaki, he mahere, he whakaako. Nau mai ki tēnei awheawhe ako ai te hunga e hiahia ana ki te whakatakoto rautaki, ki ētahi ara whakaako hei whakatairanga, hei whakapiki i te kounga o te reo Māori ki ngā uri, ki ngā kura hoki. Ko te reo te taikura o te whakaao marama, nā reira koinei te wāhi kia whakakōtahi ai ngā whakaaro kia tika, kia rere, kia Māori ai te taki o tō tātau reo Rangatira. |
04:45 PM
wā whakatā
06:30 PM
14 PĒPUERE 2025
08:30 AM
08:45 AM
rangaranga pāngarau
te whare mairanga
TE kowhai ohiaKo tēnei awheawhe e aro atu ana ki ngā tohu mātauranga o Te Whare Mairanga ka timata i tēnei tau. Ka ruku hōhonu ki ia tohu mātauranga kia mōhio ai koutou he aha ngā kai ō ia kaupapa, kia kite ai mēnā he huarahi ēnei hei whai mā koutou, mā ā koutou kaimahi hoki.
Tuarua, ka whakamārama i ngā aronga matua o Te Whare Mairanga mai i te tau 2025 ki te 2027. |
10:15 AM
wehe i te hōtērā
11:00 AM
pōhiri ki te kura māori o ngā tapuwae
11:30 AM
kai o te rā
12:00 pM
ngā kōrero mō te kura māori o ngā tapuwae
12:30 pM
leaders of learning
arihia stirlingMataamua ana ko te hautū i ngā mahi whakaako, te aronga tuatahi a te tumuaki, ka tika. Kāre e kō atu, kāre e kō mai! E ngakau nui ana a Arihia ki tēnei kaupapa, ka mutu, kua kaha kitea ngā hua o tā Arihia kaha aro ki te hautū i ngā mahi whakaako i Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae. Hei tēnei kauhau, ka āta kōrero a Arihia mō te hirahiratanga o te hautū i ngā mahi whakaako hei oranga mō te kura, hei oranga mō te uri.