The proposed Ngā Rangi Whakangungu NCEA hui has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, and a revised program will be released in due course. Ngā Awheawhe NCEA Ā-Ipurangi will continue as planned. Please contact the Project Lead for more information. The NCEA Subject Support Groups, known as Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa Rōpū Tautoko, are facilitated by Kairuruku, who are either kaiako or specialists in various NCEA kaupapa ako.
Ngā Rangi Whakangungu NCEA offers professional development and updates on NCEA subjects for kura ā-iwi. This can involve hui, workshops, or online delivery.
Kura are responsible for booking their own accommodation and transport for the upcoming hui. Members that may find this initiative valuable include:
Each term Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa will provide a series of online workshops for tumuaki, kaiako and principal nominees. These workshops are particularly aimed at providing information for tumuaki, kaiako and principal nominees new to NCEA and kura considering applying for wharekura status.
Kura are welcome to request specific kaupapa to be covered. Members that may find this initiative valuable include: