Ko te whāinga matua o tēnei hōtaka kia mātau, kia tū ngā uri hei kaitiaki ki roto i o rātou hapori puta noa i te motu.
Nō reira ko ngā akoranga o tēnei hōtaka he akoranga Pūtaiao, he akoranga e aronui ana ki ngā mātauranga o te ao hauora.
This course allows uri to gain the appropriate standards for success in further education in the health science areas, to become kaitiaki for their hapori in the hauora sector.
Te Reo Matatini: Te Reo Māori curriculum level 5; English curriculum level 4.
Digital literacy - confident and competent to navigate and engage in new digital spaces.
Uri must be reliable, responsible, self-managing, self-motivated and have a positive attitude towards learning.
Kura must agree to support Uri to engage fully in the course, as outlined in Kawa Angitu.
Uri who have successfully completed the Pre- NCEA Pūrau course in 2024 will be offered the opportunity to enrol in Taiora 2025.
This L1 NCEA course leads into the Taiora L2 and then L3 course.
Taiora L3 will contribute to University Entrance.
Tertiary study pathways include Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Health sector, Community Services, Science and education.
Career pathways include: These skills are valuable in every career pathway. Including Doctors, Nurses, Social worker, Personal trainer, counselling, Hospitality, food nutrition, teaching and more.
Course Starts: February 2025 Location: Online Duration: 1 year Course Fee: $600 per student
A device that can access the internet, with camera and microphone.
Stable Wifi access at kura and home.
Self-motivated and able to learn independently.
Support from your kura and an allocated Kaitakawaenga.