Kua tuwhera te PAE WHAKAURU!
Mā Te Whare Angitu ētahi hotaka mātauranga e whakahaere.
Mā ngā Uri tau 7 – 13 ēnei ara ako, mā ia te hotaka ōna ake paearu whakauru.
Ko te tino whāinga:
He Uri Whai Mātauranga, He Uri Whai Mana Motuhake!
Tūwhitia te hopo, mai rangatia te angitu!
Mā ngā Uri tau 7 – 13 ēnei ara ako, mā ia te hotaka ōna ake paearu whakauru.
Ko te tino whāinga:
He Uri Whai Mātauranga, He Uri Whai Mana Motuhake!
Tūwhitia te hopo, mai rangatia te angitu!
Enrolment is open for 2025 courses. Please ensure you read all the information before applying to enrol.
Kura and Kaiako are expected to support their uri to complete an application form.
Courses are for our smaller kura who do not currently have these (or similar) curriculum options in their wharekura.
We will only accept up to five uri from each kura per course.
Enrolment is open into our LEVEL 1 NCEA courses – if you have uri interested in our Level 2 and Level 3 NCEA courses,
you will need to contact Pou Angitu, Hannah Simmonds ([email protected]) to discuss these options.
Enrolment applications are assessed against each courses’ entry criteria.
Please ensure that when uri apply to enrol, they complete all relevant sections of the applications and they provide us with all the information required.
Kura and Kaiako are expected to support their uri to complete an application form.
Courses are for our smaller kura who do not currently have these (or similar) curriculum options in their wharekura.
We will only accept up to five uri from each kura per course.
Enrolment is open into our LEVEL 1 NCEA courses – if you have uri interested in our Level 2 and Level 3 NCEA courses,
you will need to contact Pou Angitu, Hannah Simmonds ([email protected]) to discuss these options.
Enrolment applications are assessed against each courses’ entry criteria.
Please ensure that when uri apply to enrol, they complete all relevant sections of the applications and they provide us with all the information required.