HE whakamāramaThe purpose of this funding is to empower kura to collaborate in hosting kaupapa that facilitate the comprehensive growth and development of uri. These events should provide opportunities for uri to engage in activities that foster advancement across various dimensions, such as academic, cultural, leadership development, environmental stewardship, technological innovation, creative arts, and other aspects crucial to the future success of uri. He pūtea tautoko tēnei hei tautoko i ngā kura ki te whakahaere i tētehi kaupapa whakatupuranga ma ngā uri o nga kura-ā-Iwi o te motu. |
RELEVANCEFunding should be directed towards activities that directly contribute to the growth and development of uri, ensuring they have access to opportunities that foster their holistic advancement. |
IMPACTPreference will be given to initiatives that demonstrate a clear potential to positively impact the overall development of uri. This includes enhancing their skills, expanding their knowledge base, and instilling values that are essential for their personal and academic growth. |
ALIGNMENTProposed initiatives will be underpinned by Te Tihi o Angitu – Tukuihotanga, Mātauranga and Oranga. |
- This funding allocation covers the cost of hosting an event that contributes to ongoing learning and development.
- The proposed kaupapa must involve participation from two or more kura-ā-iwi schools.
- The intended outcomes of the kaupapa must be clearly outlined.
- A detailed cost breakdown of the kaupapa is required.
- Accommodation and travel expenses are not covered.
- Upon approval, NKAI will pay 50% of the approved amount upon receipt of an invoice.
- The remaining 50% will be processed upon receipt of a report and invoice.
- The report must outline the achieved outcomes and impacts of the kaupapa.
- NKAI must be notified of any changes to the kaupapa post-approval.
- NKAI will not cover the cost of events used prior to approval of application.
application process
ELIGIBle applicantsThis funding stream is open to all kura ā-iwi. The proposed initiative must involve the participation from two or more kura-ā-iwi schools. FUNDING AVAILABLEUntil the end of 2024 school year. FUNDING TO BE USED FOREvents that bring together TWO or more NKAI kura with the objective of learning and development in the context of kura-collaboration. RE-APPLICATION PERIODMaximum two active applications per kura ā-iwi. VALUEUp to $5,000 per application. |