HE whakamārama
This funding is intended to support the professional development and collective advancement of kura-ā-iwi through mahitahi. Its primary aim is to empower kaimahi to participate in activities that contribute to their ongoing learning and development within the context of kura-collaboration.
He pūtea tautoko tēnei hei tautoko i ngā kura ki te whakahaere i tētehi kaupapa whakawhanake ki waenga i ngā kura-ā-iwi.
He pūtea tautoko tēnei hei tautoko i ngā kura ki te whakahaere i tētehi kaupapa whakawhanake ki waenga i ngā kura-ā-iwi.
ELIGIBle applicantsThis funding stream is open to all kura ā-iwi. The proposed initiative must have two or more kura-ā-iwi participating. FUNDING AVAILABLEUntil the end of 2024 school year. FUNDING TO BE USED FOREvents that bring together TWO or more NKAI kura with the objective of learning and development in the context of kura-collaboration. RE-APPLICATION PERIODMaximum two active applications per kura ā-iwi. VALUEUp to $4,000 per application. |
RELEVANCEFunding should be directed towards activities that directly contribute to professional growth, collective learning, and the advancement of educational practices within our network. IMPACTPreference will be given to initiatives that demonstrate a clear potential to positively impact teaching quality, student outcomes, and overall school performance. ALIGNMENTProposed initiatives will be underpinned by Te Tihi o Angitu – Tukuihotanga, Mātauranga and Oranga. |